MARSHALLTOWN Tools for Schools - Train the best, with the best.

Tools for Schools Program

MARSHALLTOWN wants to keep the best tools in the hands of students in secondary, post-secondary and apprenticeship programs. With MARSHALLTOWN’s Tools for Schools program, there is something for the needs of every school.

Hands-on education allows students to learn quicker and retain the learned material longer. By creating a job-site reality in a classroom, students can solve the instructional “real life” problems of today in preparation for the working world demands of tomorrow. Additionally, students feel a sense of pride in the work they’ve accomplished and know their new knowledge and skills will help them earn a living in the future.

At MARSHALLTOWN, we know when students train with properly designed and balanced tools, they can measure their own skill level performance – not the performance of the tool. A good tool simply becomes an extension of that student. When students use the right tools, they learn how to work with the tools. In addition to a good technical background and the attitude of a craftsman, students need to train with the best materials and tools at hand, and we would like to help.


Tools For Schools Program - Click Here

Our Direct Order Program is available to any secondary, post-secondary and apprenticeship program. This program allows you to purchase directly from MARSHALLTOWN at a budget-friendly price and save on shipping costs, too. Everything in our catalog is available with this program.

Requirements to be Set Up as a Customer:

➤ School’s name, billing and shipping addresses, phone and fax numbers
➤ Email address for invoicing
➤ Instructor’s name
➤ Copy of the school’s tax exemption certificate, if applicable


Nomination Form - Click Here

Our objective is two-fold: give students the extra incentive to achieve superior results and give the instructors a means to reward work done well.

How the Program Works:

➤ MARSHALLTOWN awards students through their Vo-Tech instructors. All materials are sent directly to the instructor who presents the award to the deserving student.
➤ First, an instructor chooses one student (per school, per term/semester) who has excelled in masonry, concrete finishing, drywall, plastering, EIFS, or tile program.
➤ Next, the instructor nominates the student by filling out the Student Award Nomination Form. Included on this form is the student’s trowel preference.
➤ Lastly, MARSHALLTOWN will send the following award materials to the instructor: a letter of commendation, a certificate, and a MARSHALLTOWN trowel and hat. Limited to United States only. 


Student Rewards Sign Up - Click Here

The Student Reward Program is available to apprentices who have completed their training and are setting out for a career in the construction trades. Our aim is to fit students with the best tools for life.

Program Basics:

➤ Sign up as a student and receive a $25 credit on your account.
➤ Receive a free welcome gift when you place an order within 30 days of signing up. Gift only available in the United States.
➤ Additional benefits include earning points to be used with future purchases and free shipping on orders over $149 anywhere in the contiguous United States.


Thank you for choosing MARSHALLTOWN. I look forward to working with you and assisting you with your classroom needs. If you are interested in the Direct Buy Program, please contact me for a quote or with any additional questions.


Kim Haley
Tools for Schools
800.987.6935 ext. 7190 | 641.354.7190